Our vision is that all healthcare given and received will incorporate the highest quality standard of Wellness and Supportive Care, for not only the physical care of a patient and their family, but also the psychological, social and spiritual needs as well.
Serving both patients and provider, the NeighborhoodCare Foundation, seeks to champion compassionate and optimized health services by improving the care given and reducing costs.
Via continued education and research, The NeighborhoodCare Foundation works with community partners, to ensure that health care provided, throughout the entire spectrum of need, is directed towards a common standardized approach of improving the both the quality of life, and quality of care, for both the patient and their family regardless of what level of illness they are faced with.
In summary, the Neighborhood Care Foundation, seeks to Bring Better Health Care Home for the improved overall wellness of patients and their families! By means of supporting continued research and education in the health care field, it is our goal to assist medical care givers in having the tools to provide Optimal Health and Wellness for All.
Reaching Out, Changing Lives for the Better, with a confident and compassionate reach, health professionals supported by the NeighborhoodCare Foundation Hold the Hands and Touch the Hearts of those we love, One Patient at a time.