Wellness & Supportive Care

Advocating for Customized Compassionate and Personal Care

Wellness and Supportive Care Programs work together to provide the quality health care needed in our communities today. Across the continuum of care settings, Wellness and SupportiveCare surrounds patients and their families with full “wrap around” support. Meeting needs both emotionally and clinically, these innovative programs promoting optimum health psychologically, socially, physically and spiritually for all.

A truly Inter-Disciplinary Approach

Integrating and encouraging health providers to work together, Wellness and Supportive Care Programs, partner traditionally separated subsets of medical care to champion the highest health potentials. As subset of Wellness Care, Supportive Care, focuses in, encompasses and meets the overall needs of patients and their families living with a significant illnesses.


Delivering Excellence in Medical Service

Wellness and Supportive Care Programs provide compassionate quality health care, while upholding a set of high quality standards. Subset groups of Supportive Care include palliative care, hospice care, home health care, transitional care, chronic disease management, medication management, skilled nursing facility care and hospital care.

NeighborhoodCare Foundation is a department of CrossBreeze Charities a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.